追記 なぜdevelopブランチが複数あるのかという疑問が散見されたので,我々のケースについて書いておきます ざっくり言ってしまえばリリースサイクルの違いです.例えば大きめの新機能を実装しつつ既存コードの保守もするという時,その時点で稼働しているコード (master) から派生したdevelop/A (便宜上Aとします) の上で新機能の実装を入れてしまうと,保守のコードと新機能コードが混ざってしまい,保守のためのデプロイのタイミングで出て欲しくない新機能のコードまで露出してしまうことになるので,それを防ぐ (分離させる) という目的でdevelopを複数に分ける (例えばdevelop/Bで新機能の開発は行なう) というような形にしています.保守の為のdevelopブランチでも,新機能の為のdevelopでも,どちらも独立したステージング環境では見ておきたいので……
develop/x.x.x という命名規則でdevelopブランチを切る(x.x.xはバージョン番号)。リリース時は、対応するバージョンのdevelpブランチをベースに、featureブランチを切る。
一段目のfeatureブランチを切る粒度は、リリースの選択対象となるように。 二段目のfeatureブランチは、従来通りで良い。弊社ならRedmineのチケット単位。
リリース時、リリースに含まれる変更内容がわかりやすくなりそう。リリースノートが作りやすそう。 しかし、孫featureの親featureがどれか、わからなくなりそうか?命名規約で対処する?いや、切った本人は覚えているか。孫featureは基本的に開発担当者のローカルPCで完結するので、本人が覚えていれば十分。
現状。開発はRedmineのチケット単位(1日〜2,3日で終わるくらい)の粒度でdevelopからfeatureブランチを切り、都度developにマージする。 リリース時は、releaseブランチをmasterから切って、リリース対象機能と開発の順番がたまたま合っていれば、まだリリースしない開発の開始コミット直前までマージする。そうでなければ、リリース対象機能のコミットをdevelopブランチからcherry-pickする。
masterとdevelopとの差分が把握しづらい。 マージした場合、リリース内容が把握しづらい。cherry-pickする場合、ピックするかどうかの判断が大変。
機能を二段階の粒度で捉えることにする。 リリース時に取捨選択の対象になるような、大きな粒度の機能を「大きな機能」と呼ぶ。(例: ブログ機能の追加) 大きな機能のサブタスクを「小さな機能」と呼ぶ。(例: ブログへのいいね機能の追加)
ようするに、大きな機能単位でコミットを管理したい。 また、リリース時に含める大きな機能を、フレキシブルに選択したい。
cherry-pickパターンはどちらもできないのでボツ。 複数ブランチパターンは、リリース時の対象選択や、他developブランチへのバックポートの手順が煩雑そう。つまり、git-flowプラグインのコマンドひとつではできなさそう。 featureブランチネストパターンなら、コミット管理も、対象選択も簡単そうだ。採用。
大きな機能を開発開始するときは、developブランチからfeatureブランチを切る。 今後、大きな機能をのfeatureブランチは、開発完了しても、リリース前までdevelopにはマージしないようにする。 リリース時に、大きな機能のfeatureブランチから含める機能をマージする。
git flow feature start <大きな機能> git flow feature start <小さな機能> feature/<大きな機能>
git flow feature finish <小さな機能>
ちょっとしたバグフィックスなども、直接developに入れるのではなく、feature/bugfix などのブランチを切ってい、そこにコミットしたほうが管理しやすいかと思う。
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell ~ $ mkdir nested-features ~ $ cd nested-features/ ~/nested-features $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /home/matsui/nested-features/.git/ ~/nested-features (master|✔) $ git flow version 1.11.0 (AVH Edition) ~/nested-features (master|✔) $ git --version git version 2.18.0 ~/nested-features (master|✔) $ git flow init No branches exist yet. Base branches must be created now. Branch name for production releases: [master] Branch name for "next release" development: [develop] How to name your supporting branch prefixes? Feature branches? [feature/] Bugfix branches? [bugfix/] Release branches? [release/] Hotfix branches? [hotfix/] Support branches? [support/] Version tag prefix? [] Hooks and filters directory? [/home/matsui/nested-features/.git/hooks] ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $ echo base change > base.txt ~/nested-features (develop|…) $ git add . ~/nested-features (develop|●1) $ git commit -m "[add] base.txt" [develop 16e1e67] [add] base.txt 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 base.txt ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $ git flow feature start big-feature Switched to a new branch 'feature/big-feature' Summary of actions: - A new branch 'feature/big-feature' was created, based on 'develop' - You are now on branch 'feature/big-feature' Now, start committing on your feature. When done, use: git flow feature finish big-feature ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|✔) $ echo new small feature > small-feature.txt ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|…) $ git add . ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|●1) $ git commit -m "[add] small-feature.txt" [feature/big-feature f1b0032] [add] small-feature.txt 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 small-feature.txt ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|✔) $ git flow feature start another-small-feature feature/big-feature Switched to a new branch 'feature/another-small-feature' Summary of actions: - A new branch 'feature/another-small-feature' was created, based on 'feature/big-feature' - You are now on branch 'feature/another-small-feature' Now, start committing on your feature. When done, use: git flow feature finish another-small-feature ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|✔) $ git log --graph --one-line fatal: unrecognized argument: --one-line ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|✔) $ git log --graph --all --oneline * f1b0032 (HEAD -> feature/another-small-feature, feature/big-feature) [add] small-feature.txt * 16e1e67 (develop) [add] base.txt * 7527443 (master) Initial commit ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|✔) $ git log --graph --all --oneline * f1b0032 (HEAD -> feature/another-small-feature, feature/big-feature) [add] small-feature.txt * 16e1e67 (develop) [add] base.txt * 7527443 (master) Initial commit ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|✔) $ echo another small feature > another-small-feature.txt ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|…) $ git add . ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|●1) $ git commit Aborting commit due to empty commit message. ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|●1) $ git commit -m "[add] another-small-feature.txt" [feature/another-small-feature fe5c067] [add] another-small-feature.txt 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 another-small-feature.txt ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|✔) $ git log --graph --all --oneline * fe5c067 (HEAD -> feature/another-small-feature) [add] another-small-feature.txt * f1b0032 (feature/big-feature) [add] small-feature.txt * 16e1e67 (develop) [add] base.txt * 7527443 (master) Initial commit ~/nested-features (feature/another-small-feature|✔) $ git flow feature finish Switched to branch 'feature/big-feature' Updating f1b0032..fe5c067 Fast-forward another-small-feature.txt | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 another-small-feature.txt Deleted branch feature/another-small-feature (was fe5c067). Summary of actions: - The feature branch 'feature/another-small-feature' was merged into 'feature/big-feature' - Feature branch 'feature/another-small-feature' has been locally deleted - You are now on branch 'feature/big-feature' ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|✔) $ git log --graph --all --oneline * fe5c067 (HEAD -> feature/big-feature) [add] another-small-feature.txt * f1b0032 [add] small-feature.txt * 16e1e67 (develop) [add] base.txt * 7527443 (master) Initial commit ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|✔) $ # 期待通り ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|✔) $ # developにはマージされていない。 ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|✔) $ git checkout develop Switched to branch 'develop' ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $ git flow feature start anohter-big-feature Switched to a new branch 'feature/anohter-big-feature' Summary of actions: - A new branch 'feature/anohter-big-feature' was created, based on 'develop' - You are now on branch 'feature/anohter-big-feature' Now, start committing on your feature. When done, use: git flow feature finish anohter-big-feature ~/nested-features (feature/anohter-big-feature|✔) $ echo another big feature > another-big-feature.txt ~/nested-features (feature/anohter-big-feature|…) $ git add . ~/nested-features (feature/anohter-big-feature|●1) $ git commit -m "[add] another-big-feature.txt" [feature/anohter-big-feature b47cd48] [add] another-big-feature.txt 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 another-big-feature.txt ~/nested-features (feature/anohter-big-feature|✔) $ git log --graph --all --oneline * b47cd48 (HEAD -> feature/anohter-big-feature) [add] another-big-feature.txt | * fe5c067 (feature/big-feature) [add] another-small-feature.txt | * f1b0032 [add] small-feature.txt |/ * 16e1e67 (develop) [add] base.txt * 7527443 (master) Initial commit ~/nested-features (feature/anohter-big-feature|✔) $ git checkout feature/big-feature Switched to branch 'feature/big-feature' ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|✔) $ git branch develop feature/anohter-big-feature * feature/big-feature master ~/nested-features (feature/big-feature|✔) $ git flow feature finish Switched to branch 'develop' Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy. another-small-feature.txt | 1 + small-feature.txt | 1 + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+) create mode 100644 another-small-feature.txt create mode 100644 small-feature.txt Deleted branch feature/big-feature (was fe5c067). Summary of actions: - The feature branch 'feature/big-feature' was merged into 'develop' - Feature branch 'feature/big-feature' has been locally deleted - You are now on branch 'develop' ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $ git log --graph --all --oneline * ef90ebe (HEAD -> develop) Merge branch 'feature/big-feature' into develop |\ | * fe5c067 [add] another-small-feature.txt | * f1b0032 [add] small-feature.txt |/ | * b47cd48 (feature/anohter-big-feature) [add] another-big-feature.txt |/ * 16e1e67 [add] base.txt * 7527443 (master) Initial commit ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $ git checkout feature/anohter-big-feature Switched to branch 'feature/anohter-big-feature' ~/nested-features (feature/anohter-big-feature|✔) $ git checkout develop Switched to branch 'develop' ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $ ls another-small-feature.txt base.txt small-feature.txt ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $ git checkout feature/anohter-big-feature Switched to branch 'feature/anohter-big-feature' ~/nested-features (feature/anohter-big-feature|✔) $ git flow feature finish Switched to branch 'develop' Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy. another-big-feature.txt | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 another-big-feature.txt Deleted branch feature/anohter-big-feature (was b47cd48). Summary of actions: - The feature branch 'feature/anohter-big-feature' was merged into 'develop' - Feature branch 'feature/anohter-big-feature' has been locally deleted - You are now on branch 'develop' ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $ git log --graph --all --oneline * d581427 (HEAD -> develop) Merge branch 'feature/anohter-big-feature' into develop |\ | * b47cd48 [add] another-big-feature.txt * | ef90ebe Merge branch 'feature/big-feature' into develop |\ \ | |/ |/| | * fe5c067 [add] another-small-feature.txt | * f1b0032 [add] small-feature.txt |/ * 16e1e67 [add] base.txt * 7527443 (master) Initial commit ~/nested-features (develop|✔) $